Sitting back in my easy chair, I glance out the bay window and see a road that is not yet travelled. The path is unknown, full of wonder, experiences and hope that will bring new beginnings. Along the road we
How to Walk With God by Wim Malgo

Recently Walt gave me a large box of new resources to review and add to our resource shelves. One of the first books I reviewed is this small booklet How to Walk with God by Wim Malgo. Only 30 pages it
A Still Small Voice Whispers
This is my most recent article for the Hudson River Sampler, printed this past week. There is a nearby hill I like to walk. I fondly refer to it as God’s mountain; there He seems a little bit closer, in
God's Phone Number
Dial: JER-333 Call to me and I will answer you, and show you great and might things, which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3 Our phone wires can be vulnerable to many disasters. Some are from acts of nature such
Kayaking at Night
Pushing off from shore on a summer evening, my husband and I paddled our kayaks out into the open water of the lake. The sun had set. In the darkness we quietly moved toward the lights of the opposite shore