Dear Ones, Have you ever felt inferior or weak in a certain area because some inconsiderate person has labeled you as such? Statements like; You’re stupid You’ll never amount to anything Why waste your time with that project? It will
God's Phone Number
Dial: JER-333 Call to me and I will answer you, and show you great and might things, which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3 Our phone wires can be vulnerable to many disasters. Some are from acts of nature such
The Balance Beam
Dear Ones, Someone once said; “A tea bag isn’t worth much until it goes through a little hot water.” God’s Word explains this to us so we will not be surprised when affliction touches our own lives. In John 16:33
Valentine's Day Card Ideas
Sometimes it is fun to make up your own greeting card, so if you are like us with a little kid inside, feel free to use this verse and make a neat Valentine card for your Valentine this year. Feel
Passion and Tradition
Dear Ones, I love Abraham’s love for God and his passion for obedience. He was not happy with his life in Ur of the Chaldeans even though he had it made. If he just followed the traditions of his fathers,