Dear Ones, I guess if you want to live in defeat, sorrow and fear with no promise for this day, you certainly could. If you had inherited a vast sum of money and never deposited it or wrote a check to
The 23rd Psalm is for Today
Dear Ones One of the most beloved portions of Scripture is the 23rd Psalm. Even as a child in Sunday school we were challenged to memorize it. We may have even been promised a gold star for our effort. This
Easter Poem :The Son Rises – The Blind will Truly See
For printable Easter cards with The Son Rises on the Back
Paul's Place of Blessing
Dear Ones, Paul probably felt disappointed and maybe defeated languishing in a Roman prison those many years (AD 60-68). He probably felt he could have done so much more on the mission road. But have you ever thought that if
Something to Ponder: Know vs. Understand
Dear Ones, A powerful truth Father God has taught me is seen in the different translations of Ephesians 1:18-19. I don’t need to write much about this as you can plainly see the difference. Vs 18-19 KJV “the eyes of