Do You Know God’s Will? Or spend a lot of time wondering what it is?
Throughout your life you will stand at a cross road with a decision to make.
- Should I take the new position or stick to my current one?
- Should I move closer to my family or stay where I am?
- Should I enroll in another course to further my education or instead use that time to volunteer?
- Which side of the family should I go to for the holiday?
Everyday you will have to make decisions, small or large. This decision-making process can be overcomplicated by an erroneous concept of God’s will.
Too often people think of God as a dictator in heaven ready to judge them if they make one wrong move outside of His will. They are afraid if they take the new position it might not be His will and yet are uncertain that His will is for them to remain in their current position. Then their mind becomes entangled in fear and rationalization as they try to understand what God might be doing in both situations. This paralyzes decision making.
God created you for a purpose. First His purpose for you is that you have a relationship with Jesus and that through this relationship you bring Him glory. Often the actual ‘thing’ that we decide to do is far less important than the condition of our hearts. The heart must always be bent toward desiring the glory of God. His glory shines when we carry out the two greatest commandments which are to love God and to love each other. His will is for us to daily make ourselves available to Him to be a vehicle to carry His love.
Whether you keep the job or get a new one the desire of your heart should be to bless your coworkers with His love. Whether you go to his family or yours for the holiday, you go with blessing in your heart. Whether you pursue higher education or not, you will daily encounter hurting people. You can treat them with His love or be focused on your own struggles.
[bctt tweet=”Rather than being so focused on the path of your life, focus on aligning your heart with His heart.” username=”NaomiFata”] Let Him fill you with the fruit of His Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22) He chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit (John 15:16) Your life produces the fruit of the Spirit as a direct result of your relationship with Him. As you go about your day producing the fruit of the Spirit and demonstrating this fruit in your relationships with friends, family and co-workers, you are doing the will of God because you are bringing Him glory.
This is the first step to doing God’s will. As you become faithful in this thing He will begin to reveal His greater purpose for you.
Today, tomorrow and the next day – seek His face, let Him fill you and go out demonstrating the fruit of His Spirit.