We all hide some part of ourselves from God, from family, friends, coworkers and the list goes on. What are you hiding? More importantly, why are you hiding? I used to hide behind lies so people would accept me. It turns out no matter how good of a liar you are, people will still reject you. They will still find some reason not to like you. I used to think if people didn’t like the fake me, they could never like the real me. Not only was I wrong, I had it backwards. People could never like the fake me if they got to know the real me. That is the truth we all need to learn and accept.
The me I used to parade around was so repulsive, obnoxious and insecure. Ever heard the joke about how people over a certain age just don’t care (referring to 60,70 & 80 year olds) and speak whatever is on their mind. I have adapted that way of thinking, but only about myself. I no longer care if someone is going to dislike the fact I’m not into certain t.v. shows, clothing fads or any other topic that would force me to lie about who I am. I don’t believe people have to be a certain age to speak the truth or what is on their mind as long as they do it with respect to those around them. I see people secure in what God has created them to be speaking that way. I speak that way, not because I’m so special, but because I have grown into who God intends me to be.
This isn’t about me though. It is about every single person reading this article. Don’t you want to be 100% honest with someone, anyone? It is such a freeing experience and the truth is rejection doesn’t hurt as much. When you parade around the fake you and get rejected you always wonder, what if I had just been me? Would they have reacted differently? Being yourself allows you to have the answer and being honest saves you from keeping track of all the lies you try to sell others about yourself. Who you are is exactly what makes you so wonderful. God loves you and you need to be honest with Him first and then yourself. We all have things we don’t like about ourselves, but embracing it and allowing God to work in us to change it only blesses us with more security. Besides, you’ll meet people that accept what you don’t like about yourself and express why they like it. (It has happened to me quite often). More so, you are going to find people that will see your ugliest parts and love you fully anyway.
There is only one you. God created you to be unique and to embrace being different from everyone else. Own it and love yourself. More than anything, take that first step and reveal yourself fully. It is liberating, fulfilling and life altering to be exactly who you are and who God created you to be. People still reject me, or things they don’t like about me. I don’t care. God has never and will never reject me. That is more than enough for me. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. BE YOU. There’s the first step in obedience to God’s will for your life.
What Are You Hiding?