I can’t see the devil, but I know when he is present in my life. The darkest of all emotions immediately swarm me and whichever one has the strongest hold in my life attacks. Anger, guilt, jealousy, wrath, strife, depression and many more.

I’ve learned that just because I can’t see him doesn’t mean I can’t fight him. I have stood looking around a room, tears in my eyes as the guilt, anger or depression encircles me. Then I have opened my mouth and these are some of the things I’ve said. “Step off. You have no power in my life. You don’t get to tell me how to feel. I am covered by the blood of Jesus, you don’t get to take that away. I cast you out in the name of Jesus’. Get lost.”

Call me crazy, but that’s how I fight the enemy when I know he is staring me down, waiting for me to break. In his arrogance thinking he has me right where he wants me. The Bible says, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

We are not powerless against him or his minions when they attack. 1 John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. If the power in me, by the Holy Spirit’s presence is greater than the enemy, why am I not standing up for myself and telling him to get lost.

I have brothers and sisters in Christ that look at me intrigued or bewildered when I tell them of these encounters. I don’t know why, but maybe what should be normal in the daily life of a believer is seen as crazy these days. I’m here to live for Christ and if the devil thinks he has a chance of stopping me, then it is my duty to cast him out whenever he shows his arrogant face.

Call me crazy, but I live my life refusing to fear the devil and his plans. I refuse to let him keep hold of me in any part of my life. Do I mess up sometimes? Yes. However, the more scripture I know the, sharper my sword is against him. I have told the enemy to get lost, to back down because God has a plan for me. I remind him that God has already crushed his skull and that he has already lost. As soon as I say these words, all those dark emotions leave, I cry in pure joy and freedom, knowing God is standing there with me, comforting me.

Call me crazy if you want, but this is my life. This is my truth.

Call Me Crazy