My last post was a brief look into the life of a prayer warrior. That post focused on the work it takes and what some may see as the negative side. Today, I want to dive into the best part of being a prayer warrior. The next paragraph is a text message from a prayer warrior to her Christian mentor in reference to her war.

I know I’m subject to attacks and I accept that as a prayer warrior, but wow has the enemy been really trying to distract and then take me out with work issues. I’m nowhere near finished and I’m so grateful to God, He gives me strength and victory. My family is on a long road to recovery, but they are worth fighting for. And anyone that knows me, knows I love a good Spiritual battle. It grows me up in Christ. I am truly so blessed and overwhelmed by God’s tender choosing of me to do these things for Him. I hit the blessing jackpot.

I don’t feel I really need to write much more concerning the other half of a prayer warrior’s life. The best half to be sure. Gratitude in serving, determination in praying and being thankful for every single prayer you get to say.  It is acknowledging God calls us to do what others deem impossible. Or hopeless.

For me, as a prayer warrior, my most blessed, peace filled and joyous times are serving God. Kneeling before Him and going to war for those who have no idea how to fight or what they fight.  Knowing the God of the universe hears me and answers me. I don’t think I’m anything special because God chose me to be a prayer warrior. No, it makes me realize how special God is because He chose me. Of all the people in the world He could have chosen, it was me. I may not be out saving the world, but I am serving right where God has called me. I’m focused, I’m determined and I’m humbled that I get to serve God in such a way that requires me to talk openly and constantly to Him. Others get to serve in foreign countries, during wars or doing something incredibly HUGE for God. I get to remain (geographically) right where I am, serving the people closest to me. I cannot be more blessed by God’s tender kindness. Especially since I don’t deserve it.

I see beauty in every possible situation. I have to because God is in every single situation. Remember Job? Satan had to ask permission to interfere in his life. Does that impact you? Satan has no ability to come at us unless God allows it. Why does He allow it? Because He knows we will turn to Him, learn from the situation and grow because of it. I want to turn to God, I want to learn and I really want to grow. Some people would label me a crazy person, looking for the enemy to come after me, but that is quite the opposite. I want to grow, but it is because I acknowledge God as the all powerful being He is that I show no fear. That I go right for the goal. I have the confidence of Christ moving me forward, while His blood covers me, His power courses through me and I am graven upon the palms of God’s very hand (Isaiah 49:16). How can I fear the enemy when I am the apple of God’s eye? (Psalm 17:8).  I do not speak out of arrogance, but I do claim the promises of God from His holy word, the Bible. Covered in all this and the Armor Of God (Ephesians 6:10-20), fear has no place in my heart. It cannot if I want to serve God fully, without restraint.

I don’t know if I’ve expressed myself as clearly as I hoped, but it is hard to show the blessings I find myself covered in daily through a keyboard. Meet me in person and you’ll feel the overwhelming blessings of God, simply because I enjoy sharing them with everyone that crosses my path. Prayer Warriors fight, but we also praise God and enjoy His blessings. We know wonderful it is to finish a fight and kneel in God’s glory before Him. Praising Him and thanking Him for a battle we would never have been ready for. Never mind be victorious in.

War: Part V