My Hope Comes from the Lord in the midst of everyday life

When the house erupts with noise…

The scream of young ones squabbling yet again.

“You hurt me”


“Don’t touch that”

“That’s mine”

“I want that stool.”

And on it goes….

My heart sinks. When will they ever learn the lessons of gentleness and self-control? Have I been able to teach them anything at all?

I become downcast, brooding, feeling like a failure of a parent. I long for the day when they will be perfectly well-behaved.

But why? Why am I so discouraged? Is it that I expect perfect kids? Do I really think a strong-willed 4 year old and particular 5 year old could live a day in the same house without some kind of altercation?

The Lord gently whispers to my heart, “Your hope is misdirected.

My hope comes from the Lord not what I see around me

Proverbs says that hope deferred makes the heart sick. Proverbs 13:12 When my hope is disappointed I have a terrible day. But how can I change the focus of my hope?

If I hope for good behavior my hope is focused on the actions of my children. But if I hope, confidently and expectantly that God will answer my prayers for them and create in them soft hearts towards Him as they grow into adulthood, my hope has found something sure to stand on. I have a Bible promise to grab onto, because He says in His Word to train up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

What situation leaves you feeling discouraged?

Is your hope misplaced?

my hope comes from the lord

Our Hope is in the Lord. Not in the events of the day or the behavior of our children. But solely in HIM

My Hope comes from the Lord and I will not be disappointed
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