For several years now Walt has been encouraging me to read Basic Christianity by John R.W. Stott, saying that it is a valuable book for every Christian to read once a year. Finally this year I have determined that with God’s help I will get through it. So far I have gotten through Part I. The book has four parts and so I thought it would be fitting to review it in the same way.

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Chapter 1

In the first chapter Stott addresses the right approach to God – primarily that we must seek Him. Seek Him diligently. Seek Him humbly. Seek Him honestly. Seek Him obediently. Reflecting on my own journey of faith (which I have written about in depth in my coming book) it was not until I sought Him with abandon, leaving behind my preconceived religious notions, that I began to find Him, to know Him and to experience fellowship with Him.

Chapter 2 and 3
A look at the claims of a Christ. He was constantly talking about himself as the fulfillment of promises. Continually he says I AM. I am the bread of life. I am the light of the world.
A look at the character of Christ. he was the standard of morality! always doing the will of His father. “Jesus was sinless because he was selfless. Such selflessness is love. And God is love” (p40)

Chapter 4

A look at the resurrection.
There are several arguments of unbelievers that Stott addresses concerning the resurrection of Jesus, leaving us with good apologetic of the truth.
Most profound to me was his description of the change in the disciples.

“It was the resurrection which transformed Peter’s fear into courage, and James ‘ doubt into faith. It was the resurrection which changed the Sabbath into Sunday and the Jewish remnant into the Christian church. It was the resurrection which changed Paul the Pharisee into Paul the apostle, the fanatical persecutor into a preacher of the very faith he previously tried to destroy. “P55

For my own faith how has the resurrection changed me?


Part II Review

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Basic Christianity Book Review Part 1

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