Those who do not believe healing or miracles are for today need to read Psalm 103:2-3

Who believes that God forgives all our sins?….

“Ah yes, of course,” some would say, “that is for today.” And in the same breath we read

and heals all our diseases

How could anyone agree to forgiveness and not healing?

They are both in the same sentence and agree in context for that day as well as in the 21st century.

Some might say, “I think sickness, hunger and lack all bring glory to God because these things bring us closer to God.” They should then seek these things to enter their lives for the relationship value.  But I bet when something happens in their physical body they run off to the docs office and desire to be well?!!!  I say healing, sustenance and provision brings great glory to God and I seek these things for His glory.

Always remember healing is a maintenance program.  Keeping in touch with God for all our needs will both keep us healthy and provide a deep fellowship with Him.

So having health and provision is not inferior to sickness and lack in developing a deep relationship with God.  On the contrary, we can serve Him better with a healthy mind and body and better aid others with His provision.  Trust Him for these good things and don’t feel guilty.  God wants your love not your morbid fear.

F.F. Bosworth wrote in his book Christ the Healerchrist healer

For one to say “I believe the Lord is able to heal me” before he knows from God’s Word that He is willing to heal him, is like a farmer saying, “I believe God is able to give me a harvest without any seed being planted or watered.”

The following is a short poem I wrote from Is. 46:4

I’m sick and need Your help today
My body and mind cry out to You.
Lord, heal me according to Your Word
“I made you and I will care for You.”
I am encouraged by what You say
“I will carry You along and save You”
So healing is our portion for today
If we would just believe You!

Love you and be a blessing

Brother Walt

Previous post on healing and miracles

Healing and Miracles continued
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