Dear Ones,

This is a very sensitive subject depending on your proclivity and teaching background.  I came from the ultra-conservative camp and also the 70’s “Jesus movement revival” so I have seen change, especially in my own life, and I can now speak on the subject with a great deal of understanding.

Healing is a miracle but not always instantaneous or in the same setting. You need to know God’s Word (seed) and plant the seed (faith) that will produce a crop (healing).

A miracle of instantaneous healing is also possible, (I have seen these and for this we praise God and are so blessed to see His hand move in this way), but healing, although a miracle, can take time and during this time we continue to focus and press in on God’s healing promises.  This grows our relationship with God.

You don’t have to run off to some popular “faith-healer” or go to a healing service to find healing. You can do these things but where people go astray is they seem to think that after the service, if they have not received healing, it’s all over.

You all (assuming you are obedient to Christ) are walking healing agents. You can and must continue to pray, using God’s powerful healing Scriptures, for yourself and others.  It can take some time, be persistent, and continue in God’s healing Scriptures.

Love you and be a blessing

Brother Walt

Healing and Miracles
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