Earlier this week a client came to my home to be fitted for some clothing alterations. My young son who had just woken up from his afternoon nap was also in the room. As the woman looked into the face of my little one the words out of her mouth caught me by surprise, “He has the Holy Spirit all over him. His face is glowing with the presence of the Lord.”

I had never told this woman that we were Christians but why should I have been surprised? We are always praying that the presence of the Lord would surround our family and that we would radiate His love and light.

This encounter reinforced the purpose for business; a light shining in a dark world. Every week there are so many people I come in contact with who are longing to talk about the things of God. Only God can direct the right people here, only God can let His light in me shine out on them. It is only as I focus on continually abiding in Him that He begins to radiate out of me.

I rejoice to know that He shined His light through my son, but I humble myself to remember it is nothing that I did which caused His light to shine. All I have done is direct my focus on abiding in Him and continually pray that He will use me, He did the rest.

In a week or two this client will return to pick up her completed alterations. I know this will be another opportunity for a God encounter.  In the meantime I can pray that God will direct me as to how to minister to her the next time, whether through giving her a book, a devotional, a Christian CD or simply through words of encouragement only God knows.

Today I remain thanking Him that He is working.

Shining with the Light of God
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2 thoughts on “Shining with the Light of God

  • October 18, 2012 at 12:06 pm

    Very nice site Naomi. I’m sure you will reach out to others as you have to my daughter and I. Thanks for texting me site the url this morning. I have been using the wordpress platform since April 2008. Will have this site added to the blogroll at the Rhinebeck site.

  • October 20, 2012 at 8:52 am

    Here is the link to Patricia’s (Loopyloo) site http://loopyloo305.com/
    Thought you might like this if it embeds.


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