Kids Sunday School is a great place to teach our children to pray The Lord’s Prayer is the most common example of prayer and provides a guide to our prayer lives. This week’s lesson for our Sunday School class was
Celebrating the Lord's Table: Tradition or Ritual?
Traditions are wonderful. They help us remember. Some traditions bring warm memories of special moments. But what is the balance between tradition and ritual? This past week our Sunday School lesson was on celebrating communion / the Lord’s Table. Our
The contrast of spiritual light and darkness
Light and darkness Are these the pictures of light and darkness that we see in our mind’s eye when we think of spiritual light and darkness? As a child I was taught the wordless book in children’s class that the
Love Letters to and from God: Call on Jesus
Just yesterday a friend gave me some of her writings and told me to feel free to share. These are such a blessing! Love Letters to And From God Call On Jesus by Rosemary Keener Good Morning Father! This morning
Book review of J.D. Greear’s book Stop Asking Jesus into Your Heart

As Christians we are concerned about the eternal destiny of those we know. We want the assurance that they are going to be with us in heaven someday. All too often I have based this assurance on whether a person