Who doesn’t love cards? Here is a printable thanksgiving card designed with one of our poems on the back. Free Printable Thanksgiving card
The Gift Of Being Fully "Alive"
A journey of a lifetime, and I feel so very blessed to have experienced it. There were moments where I will be marked forever. However, I would go through it all again if it brings me back to the same
Lukewarm coffee? Yuck!!!
Love the analogy of lukewarm coffee compared to lukewarm Christians. May we all pray for the fire of God to be sparked in our lives that He create a fire within us that would never be lukewarm.
Prayer Card with free printable for 2Timothy 3:16
2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching,rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. I find that it is so easy to fall into just reading Scripture but forgetting that it is profitable for all. How I
Ministry moment
Recently I was doing an estimate for one of my motel accounts and as we discussed her plans for expansion etc. the conversation somehow turned toward Naomi’s love for writing. She was interested in what we wrote about and I