It is no secret that I love to spend time at a nearby hill which overlooks my valley. Yesterday I had an opportunity to spend a couple of moments there and I was touched by the presence of God.
As I walked up the steep incline He put a song in my heart and a new poem in my journal.
I climb the mountain My heart soars Touching heaven My chains are broken I’ve been set free to dance In the presence of my King Uninhibited Unconstrained Singing His praises Free to dance Free to sing I have been set free In the glory of my King Tears run down, I am undone That this Holy God speaks to me That He would show Himself to me His servant I have seen the glory of God.
I think of Moses on Mount Sinai in Exodus 33 and 34, how he saw the glory of God as He passed by. When he descended his face shone for he had been in the presence of God. From the eyes of my heart I too caught a glimpse of His glory! The clouds didn’t part. I didn’t see the heavens open but from the depths of my heart I beheld His glory!
Seeing His glory from the eyes of my heart