The following is my newspaper article for the month of April.
Often during the long winter months comments are made looking forward to the end of the bleak season and the beginning of spring. Now across the brown landscape tiny green shoots appear reaching toward the warmth of the sun. A miracle of life. Flowers rise up from the buried places of the earth. Trees form buds and leaves unfurl. The scenery of our world has changed from dark to beautiful. The light of the sun allows the scientific explanation of photosynthesis to occur. The plants flourish as nutrients are supplied for their growth.
As the Easter season has come and gone I thought how pertinent that Easter comes at spring. Some celebrate the season as a simple celebration in spring while young children enjoy the egg hunts. Families of various nationalities carry out the holiday traditions, maybe a ham dinner or Italian Easter bread. Little girls come out to the Sunday morning service clothed in new dresses topped with hats of bows. All this is good, yet at the heart of the Christian faith Easter is the celebration of hope for new life. On the Friday before we mourn His death. That day long ago as a mystery the veil of the temple was torn, the symbol that God had come out to dwell among men, to set them free. On the third day the miracle of His resurrection was witnessed, fulfilling the promise.
Like a seed of potential beauty held in the frozen ground of winter the heart has been held captive in darkness. With the victory of the Son there is the opportunity to break out of the seed, to press through the cold damp soil of our surroundings, and to push a new stalk of life to the surface. As the heart presses toward the light of the Son life is transformed. The dormant potential of the heart can grow. Day after day, feeding on nutrients supplied by the light of the Son, the heart comes into full bloom, like a beautiful flower. It’s a miracle. Life. New Life.