Yesterday I wrote on depression and I had no idea God would turn it into a journey. I never planned to write more than one piece on my current battle with depression, but God had a different plan.
This morning God spoke to me through His word by opening my Bible to Isaiah 41:13 and then flipping the page to Isaiah 43:18.
Isaiah 41:13 For the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.
Isaiah 43:18 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.
I had no idea God was going to give me a breakthrough right after I shared my plight in writing. How many of us expect a breakthrough after sharing our deepest, darkest battles? I’ve come to realize there will be relief in sharing, but not necessarily a breakthrough.
I’m not going to try and perfect this piece of writing. I’m going to type out exactly what God gave me this morning through both of these verses.
This is God telling me to stop looking back. To stop stalling my progress forward. To get out of my own way.
Maybe today I will do something crazy, but first I must release the former things and stop considering the things of old.
God is wonderful. He is beautiful. He cares for me and showers me with His love at all times, even when I deserve it the least.
God is wonderful to me and I am blessed, overwhelmed and covered in His love for me.
I feel like today is the first ray of sunshine I’ve had in months of depression. O God, how glorious you are. How wonderful are your scriptures, your words of love, encouragement and beauty.
Two scriptures broke through my darkness at the very right moment and I cannot tell you how much weight was lifted off my shoulders.
Both scriptures from Isaiah were my personal love letter from God this morning and I am humbled. I know I have to keep fighting, but today was God’s reminder that there will be an end to this Journey of depression. That I will not remain here forever and even if I were, God is holding my right hand through it all. I am NEVER alone.