I asked that question to a few people in my life. What do you love most about God? These are some of the answers.
-I’m never alone because He is always with me.
-He loves me just as I am. I don’t have to be good before I can go to Him.
-He is my peace.
-He has never let me down and He never will.
For me these different answers blew my mind. Everyone has a different perspective and through this question I got to see it. What a blessing.
What I love most about God is how well He knows me. I mean, God really knows me. The blackest parts of my soul are not hidden from Him and yet that doesn’t scare me. It gives me peace and comfort. How intimate is our God that He knows each of us inside and out. The worst and best of us. Our sins and our works for Him. God is so many things to me, but most of all He is the lover of my soul. His love covers me like nothing else can.
So today, think about it. What do you love most about God? About His character, what you know of Him through your daily walk with Him.
Our intimacy level with God should be growing everyday. Not because we’re so awesome or we study the Bible for hours on end. It should be growing because we are hungry to know Him. To know His deepest parts as He knows ours. I pray to remain hungry for God during the times I feel like I’m drifting from Him. I should pray it everyday, but I’m still learning too.
Pray with me today.
Lord, I want to be hungry for you. I want to know your deepest parts, your innermost secrets to the degree you’ll allow. Father God, George Washington Carver asked you to reveal to Him the workings of a peanut and you answered his prayer. I’m asking to know you more fully, Lord God. Please, please allow me to remain hungry for you everyday of my life that I may pursue YOU above all else. That YOU would remain the number 1 love of my heart, soul and mind. I pray this for my brothers and sisters in Christ struggling to know you more intimately. Father God, please reveal YOURSELF to us as YOU see fit. I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Thank you for His precious sacrifice that I may live.
In Jesus’ name,