What is it that drives a person into ministry? Most people have a foggy or sketchy view of Christian service, usually in a foreign land. But in my research I have done recently, I have discovered that it boils down to a basic element, and that being a passion to see people come to Christ. We just need someone to push us in the right direction.
This ministry (CRM) was designed to do just that; to give you ideas, encouragement, resource, suggested reading and personal testimonies all to show you that you indeed can become a Christian Resource in your church and community.
We desire so much to help others trust in Christ, but we can’t give them our faith. We can only convey truth by our transformed lives and sharing His Word in a way that is understood and that can take months or years.
Every month I will share more practical helps and experiences that will encourage you to lead others to Him.
Next month stay tuned for: Evangelism begins at home!


Love you and be a Blessing, Brother Walt

Excerpt from our July 2017 e-newsletter. To stay connected and learn how to minister in your daily life sign up for our monthly newsletter in the box at the below.

For more on how to serve God in your daily life follow this link

What drives a person to ministry?
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One thought on “What drives a person to ministry?

  • July 13, 2017 at 11:08 am

    I’m glad to have found your blog for ministry resources. I look forward to your post on “Evangelism begins at home!”

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