My friend Rosemary Keener submitted this article, as the Lord laid on her heart to encourage the body of Christ to rise up and pray!
Good morning!
A few days ago, I sensed the Lord started to speak this in my spirit. I was with some Christian friends and at one point we started talking about the things we didn’t like on TV. The following morning I was praying with someone on the phone, (we had invited the Holy Spirit in to pray God’s will). I had been praying for the government, when all of a sudden, we began to pray that the propaganda of the evil one would be removed from TV. This includes the newspeople, commercials, cartoons that encourage witchcraft, violence, magic, and the occult. Also, that commercials which encouraged alcohol, drugs, nudity, and every other thing that is an abomination to God would be removed, not only from TV, but from radio and other forms of what the world calls entertainment.
What the Holy Spirit was showing me is that we need to STOP TALKING ABOUT ‘THINGS’ and take our Authority as believers over these things. IN PRAYER!! That we don’t stop there but replace them with the things of God!
In Jeremiah 1:9-10 we read ‘then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me, Behold! I have put My Words in your mouth! See, I HAVE this day appointed you to the oversight of the nations and of the kingdoms to root out, pull down, to destroy, and to overthrow, (very important!!), to build and to plant!”
We are ‘caretakers’ of Our Father’s World! For too long the church, the body of Christ, has set on their laurels and allowed the enemy to rule and reign! (me too) But all glory to God!! The church has arisen!! There is so much more to do!
I believe this is the next phase, in what we, as Christ’s body, are to do! We have been murmuring and complaining long enough! It’s time for the body of Christ to rise and shine, and take back what the enemy has stolen from us!
Haven’t we had enough? What are we going to do about it? Are we going to continue to allow the thief to steal, kill and destroy? Or are we going to rise up as a mighty army of God? And pray, and declare what God sayas about this World that He created. Church there are no excuses! We have all we need to defeat the enemy of our souls!
If you aren’t sure look up these Scriptures. Luke 10:19, Matthew 12:29, Matthew 16:18-19, and Matthew 18:18-20. I could go on and on, but it’s time church! Jesus is coming back for a Victorious Church!
We’re not there yet, but we are headed there- for the glory of the father, in the name of Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit!
This morning as I was spending time with the Lord I sensed Him leading me to these Scriptures. I pray that as the Holy Spirit leads, you would pray them.
- Psalm 103
- Jeremiahs 1:4-12
- Jeremiah 32:27
- Jeremiah 33:3,7-11
- Ezekial 12:22-28
- Psalm 92:12
- Psalm 93
Our victory is the Word of God. Where lies and propaganda of the enemy was spread pray that truth comes forth! Pray that godly programs would be on TV for our children, and grandchildren to watch; that commercials would come forth which encourage family times, love, laughter and clean fun; that commercials and programs would come forth that speak life and encouragement in godly ways.
It’s not only enough to bind, to declare and decrees that these things would be taken off the airwaves. But we must never forget to replace what we are bind with loosing good, godly things. Come on church, let us take back the TVs, the radios, the computers, etc. Let us with our words, from the very word of God Himself, put the holy angels to work, who according to Psalms 103:20 ‘harken to the voice of the Word of God!
Amen! Amen and Amen!