One of the first series of posts I wrote dealt with the Spiritual battle and I made it clear I was going to war for my family. I did. I went to battle and I fought long, hard and finally slowed down. I trust God and I know His will is always better than mine, but I am not someone that can sit by and watch other believers fall. My brothers especially.

We can wait our whole lives for the battle to shift in our favor and the truth is, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes God leaves things just the way they are. Sometimes, though, God steps in and pushes the enemy back giving us time to breathe. To recuperate so that we can keep fighting.

Today the battle for my younger brother, shifted. It has been shifting for a while and I know now how much God is doing or at least I think I do. My 26 year old brother said, How can I expect the Holy Spirit or God to work in me when I’m watching the things I watch.

When I went into battle months ago, my first target was all the witchcraft movies and cartoons my family were watching. I had a list of scriptures to show my parents how wrong it was to allow my youngest brother, 12 watch these shows. I had explained this to the 26 year old and left it at that. I didn’t judge him, I didn’t try to convince him to discard his movies, but I lived my life as an example. Not to get him to change, but because that is why God made me a big sister. God gave me my two beautiful brothers so I could set the example for them, that my parents aren’t able to right now.

Today, God stepped aside for me to see the work He has done and is going to continue to do in my brothers. I am humbled, I am grateful and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for them.

John 17:20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word.

Jesus prayed for me, for you, for my family before we were ever created. Jesus went to battle for us before we even knew what battle we were joining. Jesus prayed. The Spiritual Battle will only shift when it is covered in prayer. When we are so determined to win our loved ones back, or even people we’ve just met at the grocery store, gym or bank. Battle starts with prayer.

I wanted to share this because if you are waiting for a battle to shift, I want you to know prayer will bring the change. God hears our prayers, Jesus prayed long before we were born and the Holy Spirit even now on a daily basis intercedes for us. Romans 8:26 Likewise, the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered.

Go to battle. Fight for your loved ones. Watch the battle shift when God’s timing takes place.

When the Battle Shifts. John 17:20
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