Jeremiah 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
How to fall in love with God starts right here in this verse. At least it did for me. I used to do my Bible studies to learn. To have knowledge of God’s word. Not to know God, not to know His will, but to know the RIGHT answers. Not to shine in pride or to show up my brothers and sisters in Christ. I wish it had been that shallow. I wanted to know the right answers so no one could question my love for God or the relationship I had with Him. Such a contradiction now that I can see clearly. I didn’t love God, although I was convinced I did. I didn’t have a relationship with God beyond the salvation He offered me through Jesus Christ His son. Believe me I wanted to love God, I tried to love God and I really had people convinced that I did. My study of the Bible led me to knowledge of the Scriptures, but it brought me no closer to God. Why? Because I wasn’t seeking God.
Jeremiah 29:13 makes it extremely clear. We have to be seeking God to find Him. It is no surprise I stopped reading, I stopped studying and I stopped caring about having any answers. I was not created to have knowledge of God. I was created to have a relationship with God. To know Him, to pursue Him, to love Him. I had no interested in learning after 9 years because it brought me no closer to God. As I continue my daily journey, it is clear the Holy Spirit moved me forward to love God through the reading of His word. To read, study and know HOW to fall in love with God. I truly want to fall in love with God, nothing else matters anymore. My spiritual life stirred up because I had come to the place where I wanted to know God. I want to fall in love with Him on a daily basis. I used to know the right answers, but now it is about having a right heart.
When I stopped pursuing knowledge and the RIGHT answers, I began to pursue God and Him alone. My pursuit of God is pure, honest and honored by Him because when you truly seek God, He is found and He openly reveals Himself. Studying is important. Knowledge of what we believe is important. Knowledge of who God is remains vital. Wisdom gleaned from God’s holy word is important. However, none of these can lead us to God if our first priority isn’t knowing God. Pursuing God. Jeremiah 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. Seeking God with all your heart leads you to knowledge, wisdom and the ability to defend your beliefs. However it all starts with the pursuit of God, Himself.
Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Scripture spells it out for us as plain as day. Old Testament or New Testament, this is How to Fall in Love with God.
Yes, Belinda, and I see this in my own life. When I am not steeped in the Word, my hunger for Truth is less pressing. When I don’t pray regularly, it becomes harder to find time for it. God’s Word certainly has an explanation for that phenomenon.
Such a lovely testimony, Naomi. The pursuit of God is the most fulfilling pursuit there is, because – as you’ve so eloquently stated “When you truly seek God, He is found and openly reveals Himself.” — Thanks for sharing, Naomi. ((hug))
So sorry, Belinda. Didn’t notice there was another author on this one. ((hug))
No need to apologize. I’m grateful it touched your heart, Brenda. That’s what we write for. God to touch hearts.
What an important distinction you made about knowledge vs. relationship. Sometimes God becomes something on my checklist as opposed to a relationship.
Thank you for this reminder!
You’re welcome, Becky. Glad God is working in all of us at all times 🙂