Part of our mission here at CRM is to teach you how to serve God through your everyday life.

Serving God is not a lofty calling but simply has to do with loving people as Jesus loved them. Jesus loved people. He connected with them. It is His desire that we do the same.

Look at Matthew 25:31-46. Jesus speaks how when we serve people in need we are serving Him.

Think about your daily life. How many people do you encounter in a day? See these people as a ministry. Ministry is not all about preaching to someone. It also includes serving them, encouraging them, and connecting with them.

It is easy to go through life with our own agenda for the day, focused on what needs to be done to care for our needs like going to work, stopping at the grocery store, cooking dinner and paying the bills. All around us we cross paths with people – people that Jesus cares about.

Just because Jesus reached out to touch many people it didn’t mean everyone was in His close circle of friends. Therefore, connecting with people and touching their life doesn’t mean that you have that you need to be their best friend. What you don’t want to do is to fall into the mentality that you are too busy, and your life is too filled with people, for you to reach out to someone else.

  1. Ask God to bring people to mind who He would like you to connect with.
  • Pastor
  • Acquaintance from church
  • Family member
  • Co-worker
  • Elderly neighbor
  • Distant relative
  1. Once God has brought someone to mind ask God to show you what this person needs.
  • Affirmation
  • Encouragement
  • An act of service
  • Taking the time to listen to their problem. Listening means you do just that. You don’t need to solve anything – they just need to be heard.

Affirmation and encouragement could include a positive text message to a friend saying “I’m so proud of how well you are doing in_______ area.” Or “I’m praying that God would fill you with His peace today” or simply “How are you doing? God brought you to mind today.” Instead of a text message you could even send a real card!

An act of service could be a homemade meal, a quick stop at the grocery store for a shut in, a cup of coffee for your coworker, offering to watch a friend’s kids, the list is endless.

To learn to love like Jesus we need to stay in tune with the Lord. The attitude of our hearts should be “Lord, who can I touch today.”

The truth is that sometimes people aren’t loveable. Sometimes we feel brushed aside or like they don’t care about us. But this life is not about us – it’s about HIM. We must humble ourselves and not be think of how we feel in a certain situation and ask God to give us wisdom to see why the person is acting the way they are. Sometimes people appear brusque because they are stressed about a problem, have an introvert personality, or have their own insecurities in the situation.

In these situations, continue to pray for wisdom and guidance. Most of the time these are the people who need a touch of God’s love the most.

Go out today and be a blessing.

Purpose in your heart to be used by God right where you are!

Learn to love like Jesus: Serving God and Others
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2 thoughts on “Learn to love like Jesus: Serving God and Others

  • March 10, 2017 at 4:55 pm

    I remember early in my Christian walk, the woman who led me to the Lord spent time with me… pouring the Word of God into me in deep and abounding love. She reminded me that the unlovable people, the ones who are the most difficult to be around are surely the ones who need our love the most. They are the ones that we need to be Jesus to w/o reserve. I have always tried to ask, “Lord , give me your words, your ways, your heart here.” It is such a privilege to love others because I love Jesus. It takes away all the drama and the need to have that love reciprocated. I don’t always do that, but I need to do it more and I need to keep in mind that every person deserves to know the value of their worth in the eyes of the Father.

    Thanks for sharing this with the #GraceMoments Community.

    • March 10, 2017 at 8:08 pm

      Thanks for sharing that is beautiful! I love how you pray for Him to give you His words and His heart as you meet people!
      God Bless

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