There is no condemnation in Christ

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Several weeks ago you learned about discerning between false guilt and the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

Knowing how to deal with real guilt is also important. You and I are still sinners therefore, over the course of our lifetime there will be things we need to confess to God and others.

When you know you have sinned what do you do?

When you receive Christ as your Savior you become a son or daughter of God with the full rights as God’s child. (Galatians 4:4-7) It can feel intimidating to be the child of a holy God. You don’t always FEEL like you deserve it – especially when you mess up. God says to confess your sin and He will forgive (1 John 1:9)

Growing up you probably had your share of mischief. When my brother and I were little we would kick the soccer ball around in the house, which was against the rules. We broke the overhead light and had to pay to have it fixed. Mom forgave us but made us deal with the consequences (paying for the light). Once the light was fixed the evidence of our misdemeanor was no longer staring us in the face. We weren’t treated like infidel children for the rest of our childhood because of it. I didn’t spend the next 10 years saying to myself, “I’m a terrible child because I broke the hallway light”.

The point is that without forgiveness you live in self-condemnation. This is a continual feeling of guilt for everything you do against a holy God. During our lives here on earth you and I still sin. It could be something big like pornography or a gambling addiction or it could be something ‘smaller’ like losing your temper perpetually.

When you sin you need to ask for God’s forgiveness. However, God’s intent is not for you to live with the feeling of guilt after you have asked His forgiveness. The truth is that self-condemnation keeps you in a negative pattern because the focus of your mind is on yourself not on Him and the p  ower that He gives. Self-condemnation is when you live critical of yourself.

Though you may know the truth that God has forgiven you, the truth may not be impacting your mind, will and emotions.  “Some Christians mistake self condemnation for the voice of conscience that is prompting them to confess their failings to Jesus even though they have already confessed them and been forgiven.” – (from


Just because you don’t feel forgiven doesn’t mean you aren’t forgiven. Click To Tweet

Recall our verse from last week – Romans 8:1 which says there is no condemnation in Christ.

God does not want you to live your entire Christian life under the pressure to be good. Jesus is your righteousness so you don’t need to try to become righteous (Romans 5:18). Father God wants you to live as His child. He has given you the gift of the Holy Spirit, who will give you strength and power to live out the righteous life which God has given you.

There are several reasons for the struggle with self-condemnation

  • Impatience with your own spiritual growth. God is working on us all to bring us to maturity in Christ.
  • Lack of heart belief that God has forgiven you. Perhaps you know the truth of God’s forgiveness in your head but need to spend some time teaching your heart.
  • There may be negative feelings (thoughts) buried from childhood which cause you to feel unworthy, and insecure.
  • Insufficient understanding of our identity in Christ

Ramifications of self condemnation

  • Depression – when you have an excessively negative view of yourself it can lead to varying degrees of depression
  • Lack of close fellowship with Your Heavenly Father. When you think of yourself as ‘bad’ or ‘unworthy’ you can’t see how His desire for you, nor can you enjoy the love He pours down on you.

Life Coach Moments

  • Ponder the words of this poem The Love of God. Have you ever felt God’s love in a real way? How does His love change the way you think about yourself?
  • After you have sinned and asked God’s forgiveness how do you feel? Forgiven or still guilty?

Renew Your Mind in Truth

Ponder Galatians 4:4-7 (NIV) But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba Father.”So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.

  • How does it feel to be adopted? Think about what it means to call God ‘Father’ and to be called His child.

Though you still sin God does not think of you as a sinner but as His child. Click To Tweet


Thank You Lord that I am Your child, that I am forgiven and loved by You. I know that it is not Your will that I continue to live in condemnation after I have confessed my sins. Teach my heart to know Your love and forgiveness. Amen

Self-talk Point

I am not guilty. I have confessed my sin and been forgiven.

Other resources:

Dealing with Self-Condemnation by Richard D. Dobbins





Life Coach Moments with Naomi


Stop blaming yourself – It’s not your fault: Renew Your Mind in Truth
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4 thoughts on “Stop blaming yourself – It’s not your fault: Renew Your Mind in Truth

  • February 17, 2017 at 12:20 pm

    Great wisdom here! I struggled with this for years, blaming myself for things that weren’t my fault. It makes such a difference to break free of that and get a true perspective.

  • February 20, 2017 at 8:43 pm

    You are speaking my heart right now Naomi!! A cycle I have worked hard on myself.

    • February 21, 2017 at 4:25 pm

      Thanks for those words of encouragement! It is always my prayer that God would minister to whomever reads.

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