Originally Written on January 19, 2015
We as Christians talk about God opening doors. Sometimes we wait, sometimes the door is already open when we get there. But sitting alone in silence, praying to God, a few thoughts hit me. How do we know a door is open? For example, my cousin told me to pack all my stuff and move in with her. I have no job right now. I’ve never lived anywhere, but Red Hook, my small town. I’m not scared, but wondering if this is a door God opened or me looking for a way out.
So far this year God has been teaching me two lessons, LOUDLY. The first is patience while waiting on Him. The second is change and embracing change. I can tell you right now what the hall of patience looks like. What I mean by that is in reference to the popular saying, I’ll praise Him in the hallway…While waiting for Him to open the door He has for me.
Only realizing it now, it was God, Himself that led me to the door that has been my teaching of patience. That hallway is covered in tears, frustration, desperation and a bit of fear. In layman’s terms, the walls I was supposed to be praising Him in are covered in holes the size of my fists and feet. The carpet in that hall is imprinted with my knee indentations for life made during my most desperate prayers. In learning patience, I was not patient. Yet, the result of God opening that door and motioning me to enter is the most beautiful and glorious gift.
When people tell you “it’s worth the wait,” ask them two questions. 1) How do you know? 2) How long did you wait? Some people repeat “words of wisdom” not from experience, but to placate you (they really mean no harm, but are causing it, by not allowing you to fully grasp what is truly worth the wait. What it is that God is doing that you are going to be absolutely floored by). When someone can answer both those questions definitively, you can trust their words, but don’t. Take their experience as proof of God’s awesomeness, but don’t apply it to your life. Your wait will be different. Trust God, Trust His promises.
If I had done things MY WAY in the hall of patience, instead of gradually surrendering to God’s will, I’d have ruined one of the greatest earthly blessings God planned for me.
Waiting in the hall is not always easy or fun, but if your focus remains on God and NOT on the door, you’ll have peace the whole time you are there. Another saying to keep your guard up against is When God shuts one door, He opens another. What we forget about this saying is it is NOT found in the Bible. It is encouraging and I even have a key chain of it, but in moments of anguish I have forgotten one thing about that saying that changes it’s place in my life. NO ONE ever tells you how long it will be before the next door opens. Keep the faith and remember When God Shuts One Door He Opens Another, but until that door opens hold onto your peace. Exodus 14:14 The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. HOLD YOUR PEACE. Whether you are in the hall, staring at a closed door or about to enter an open door.
Stop looking at doors and halls, look to GOD.
Such a treasure of wisdom here. When my son was young and we went to a museum, the curator was leaning close to tell him all about the reconstructed dinosaur. At the end of his talk he asked my son if he had any questions. In his sweet 6 year old voice he smiled and said just one…. ” how do you know, where you there?” A 6 yo boy made a full grown multiple degree adult stop speaking and unable to answer his honest question.
Last week, when my freshman students were debating slavery, that answer was given again. It had the same effect.
Likewise, what you share, when people answer your frustrations with word, scripture and platitude is interesting.. and yet true. We need to respond to people in the sincerity of His love and grace and stop fluffing one another up with false emptiness. If we don’t know what to say, perhaps the best thing to do is offer to pray.:) Thanks for this reminder!