We’ve lost our childlike ways. We no longer believe without seeing. Even when we see, we still demand further tangible proof and piles of it before we even begin to believe. Remember Thomas? It wasn’t just enough to see Jesus right in front of him, but he said he would have to put his hand in his side where Jesus had been wounded.

Deception is so rampant because the belief, Our Eyes Don’t Lie, makes sense to us somehow. Our eyes don’t reveal a person’s motives, nor their ways. Why don’t we just enjoy the mysteries of God instead of trying to disprove Him?

God has taught me a lot about being a child in the last year. About having childlike faith as He led me places I wasn’t sure I wanted to go. I know as He led me forward my grip on His hand must have been bone breaking. The excitement overwhelmed me while the unknown seemed to taunt me and yet, holding God’s hand through it all gave me this courage, strength and calm peace I’d never known.

God never asks us to walk alone. He asks us to trust Him, to step out in faith. To have the heart of a child which leads to childlike faith. It is much easier to achieve when you have a hand to hold. Much simpler when that hand belongs to God.

Childlike Faith
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