Safe and secure is on everybody’s mind these days. With all the hackers, scam phone calls and identity theft going on we wake up in the morning wondering what we’ll have to fight against today. To protect ourselves and our loved ones. I don’t believe in safe or secure in this world or trust the people that offer it. I found out the hard way God is the only one that can keep me safe and secure. Psalm 61:3 For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy.

King David knew his security was not in being king or having the riches of one. God was the only security David sought and so it should be with us. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve come to the end of my rope only to see that God was holding it the whole time. I am in the first and only healthy relationship I’ve ever been in and I don’t find myself seeking safety or security from my boyfriend. I still seek God first. I have to know God is going with me or I wont go. I am not this holier than thou believer of Christ. I have simply learned my lesson in not seeking God first. In going wherever I want without making sure God was going with me. Through multiple disasters (of my own doing) I was able to renew my mind through Christ and realize I didn’t want to go anywhere without Him. It became less of a need (as in I need God) and became a full blown desire to WANT God with me at all times. In all decisions. In all relationships. In all parts of my life.

Safe and secure is a fairy tale this world sells us through media and it truly amounts to nothing. Psalm 141:3 Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. If you want true safety and security start with this verse. Keeping our mouths shut and instead pouring ourselves out before God is the best way to ensure we are safe and secure. I know it saves me so much trouble to just keep my mouth shut every day. To only speak when it is necessary and to speak pure, true and encouragingly. God is our strong tower and He provides all the safety and security we could ever hope for.

Safe and Secure
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