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Galatians 5:22-23 says “but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

There were many years reading this verse I felt only guilt. Guilt because I didn’t have the joy and peace the Bible said I should have as a Christian.

We have spent several weeks discussing peace and guilt but we also need to recognize the two together.

There are many reasons we may not be experiencing the fruit of peace and joy.

  • Sin in your life
  • A need to understand your identity in Christ. (For more understanding on Identity in Christ check out some of Neil Anderson’s books like Victory Over the Darkness)
  • Hormonal changes. (I don’t know about menopause from personal experience but I do know about pregnancy. Some experience anxiety and depression during pregnancy and some after- for me, I struggled most during the pregnancy.)
  • This could be something from the past that has been buried.
  • Thinking patterns. Negative thinking will not bring joy and peace.
  • Chemical imbalance. There is such a thing as chronic anxiety and depression that needs attention from a medical professional, and sometimes medication.

The problem lies when we believe sin in our lives is the only reason we aren’t experiencing the fruit of the Spirit. Though all problems of brokenness relate to the first sin of Adam and Eve that doesn’t mean that we should feel guilty for feeling a lack of peace. This is false guilt – self condemnation- which is not of the Lord.



Philip Yancey in his book Rumors of Another World “Guilt is the early warning sign of danger, the first rumor of something wrong.”(145)

This guilt should cause us to recognize that whatever the issue we have a problem that needs to be addressed.


No matter what the issue is – from sin to chemical imbalance there are two principles that we can apply.

  1. God our Father is the Great Physician, He is able and willing to provide direction. Whether we have a medical problem or a spiritual problem He desires that we come to Him asking for help. Sometimes He may provide instant healing, or He may give us discernment about the nature of our struggle and give direction for where we need to go for help.
  2. It is ok to get help. Perhaps with our super-ego we think that we can solve our problems of anxiety and depression by reading the Bible more, attending more church services and doing more things for God. But this simply is not true. A medical doctor is able to help with hormonal imbalances, therapy can help with trauma, psychiatrists can help with chemical imbalances. Educating ourselves about our thought patterns can give us wisdom on how to change with God’s help. Sometimes even sharing our struggles with a mature Christian friend and receiving prayer for our issues is all we need.



From personal experience, I know that God can heal our emotional wounds and do so in a miraculous way. I also know that He used many people along the way to come alongside me. It took vulnerability. I had to break out of my shell and trust people not to judge me.


Life Coach Moment

  • Do you struggle with anxiety or depression?
  • What do you think the cause of your issue is?
  • Begin by journaling about your struggle. This brings it out into the open so that the issue is clearer.
  • Pray and ask God to show you who you can speak to about your struggles.


For those who know someone who is struggling

  • Ask that person how they are doing? When they spill their story listen. Don’t feel like you have to correct every anxiety or tell them ‘not to worry’.
  • Pray that God would give you discernment about how to help them. Maybe all they need is time to vent and for you to just listen.
  • Educate yourself on these type of struggles.

Renew Your Mind in truth


Hebrews 4:15 speaks to me deeply, “For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.”

I find great comfort in knowing that He understands the struggle that we have with our mind and emotions. He isn’t up in heaven looking down on us condescendingly for our struggles. Instead He loves us – and has compassion on us.



Father, Thank you have compassion on me in my weakness. Show me the root of my anxiety and/or depression. I know that it is Your will that I live in freedom so that I can experience joy and peace available to me through Your Spirit. Amen.

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I feel guilty for struggling with anxiety and depression: There is No condemation
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2 thoughts on “I feel guilty for struggling with anxiety and depression: There is No condemation

  • February 1, 2017 at 8:37 pm

    Thank you for the tips for dealing with anxiety and worrying issues. I know I need to renew my mind and focus on the blessing God gives me in my life.

    • February 2, 2017 at 7:55 am

      Mary thanks for sharing. Praying for you that God would pour out His love on you continually and strengthen you each day of your journey as He enables you to work through these issues.

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