fear of abandonmentIn the garden of my heart I see trouble ahead. How do I respond? In anxious thoughts of defeat of confident victory because of Your constant abiding presence.

Every word of my prayer is heard by You and not only heard but answered (Ps 91:15). Your closeness, friendship and love are constantly being conveyed to my heart.

As victory nears the enemy attacks and brings the fear in doubt. This is the foolish imagination of You not being with me in future difficulties and having to face the arrows of trial alone; and that can never be!

I can drive out that perceived, illogical and negative fear by seeing my Father God undertaking in all future events and turning them into miracles!

The future in Christ holds no lack of companionship and support, it only affirms His promises. The enemy of our life has already been defeated!!

If you receive this, Claim it as your own miracle; in the garden of your heart.

Love you and be a blessing,

©2016 Brother Walt

The Fear of Abandonment: In the Garden of My Heart
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