Let me start by saying my dad needs prayer and what I’m about to post is not a negative commentary on the man he is, but simply enforces the point I intend to make. For the last few months my dad has been ‘seeking’ God’s will in a certain situation. What looked like a blessing has really turned into a nightmare for him. Yet, I know the truth behind the statement, I’m Seeking God and His will for my life. My dad struggles and the truth is he prays on and off, the same with Bible reading. His walk doesn’t scream, I am a follower of God. If it sounds like I’m judging, I’m not. In fact, my heart breaks for my him. I hated making decisions at one point in my life for fear of ruining God’s will for my life or making the wrong decision that would displease God.

When we say we are seeking God, let’s be honest by asking ourselves these few questions.

  1. How am I praying? Do I end every prayer with Thy Will Be Done or is it all about MY WILL during prayer time?
  2. What am I praying? Am I opening God’s word to claim His promises over my life?
  3. Do I spend time with God to be with Him or to just get in my “STUDY TIME”?
  4. What am I really looking for when I read God’s word?
  5. What am I really hoping for when I pray?
  6. What am I expecting from God?
  7. How much of myself am I really giving to God? If not all of me, why not?
  8. What outcome would truly please me? God’s plans coming to pass or my own plans coming to pass?
  9. Am I seeking God or am I only seeking His will? *****THERE IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE*****

The last three years of my walk with Christ have become what I call, The Intimate Years. I have been a believer for 18 years and what a life I have lived. Legalism once owned me, but I screamed out it was LOVE. Legalism led me to backsliding and I screamed, I’m SEEKING GOD’s WILL. At my lowest point I would beg God to just bring me home to be with Him, because for the life of me I couldn’t figure out what His will for my life actually was. What changed in the last three years? Let me tell you.

I changed. I stopped praying for God to reveal His will to me. After that I focused on knowing God. On seeking Him until I couldn’t start my day without prayer or Bible study. I am the nastiest, angriest, meanest person when I don’t spend time with God. He is truly the love of my life and once I realized that the world became a brand new place for me. Instead of seeking God’s will, I sought Him. That’s how a real relationship works. You desire to know everything about the person you are dating/courting. I want to know EVERYTHING about God and I find every day He reveals something new about Himself and WOW, it is such a blessing. Here’s what happened when I stopped seeking God’s will and sought Him….His will FOUND me. I was in a body breaking job that I did love and enjoy when my current supervisor said to me, We have a position opening, apply for it. At the time, I only knew her in passing and had no special favor of hers. However, I had the favor of my GOD. From the moment I stopped seeking God’s will and began living it by seeking God, my world changed. God’s plans for me kept unfolding wherever I walked. God’s will is for us to love each other. To tell others about Him and His everlasting Love. To accept others as they are, just as HE does so we can show them His love firsthand. 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Matthew 22:37-40 Jesus said unto him, Thous shalt love the Lord they God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.


BOOM!!!!  How much more clear can God’s will for our life be? Too many times I hear believers saying, I can’t stand this person or that person makes my life so hard. If you want to be in God’s will love the people He puts in your life. Watch what happens when you let God take over like that. It is not easy to love everyone God has cross our path, but it is worth it to be IN GOD’S PERFECT WILL. During a guest speaker’s worship time he shared a simple prayer that has helped me love some pretty unlovable people. Ready for this life changing prayer? 


BLESS them and CHANGE ME. Pick the hardest person in your life to love and pray that prayer for 30 days and then watch what God does. I promise you won’t be disappointed. God is the only one that can change everything and when we are willing to surrender ourselves to Him and true change nothing is ever the same again.


So you say You’re seeking God (cough, cough). Are you really?
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