Last week we talked about the peace of God that He has given us to guard our hearts and minds. That is His promise and He will hold true to it, however there are somethings that can hinder us from receiving that peace.

Peace with God is so important in our journey to renew our minds because He is the only one who can truly heal our past, and our pain. Also, it is only by His truth and through receiving His faith that we can grab onto the promises of God which make us overcomers. Promises like “I can do all things through Christ”(Philippians 4:13) and “I am fearfully and wonderfully made”(Psalm 139:14) or “God, knows what He has planned for my future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) As we wire the promises of God into our minds we are changed, but we cannot take hold of these promises while holding enmity against Him.

These are 3 key components to make peace with God

  1. Have you come to the point of receiving God’s gift of salvation through Jesus Christ His Son. This is the first step to making peace with God. If you do not understand the plan of salvation please follow this link.  Colossians 1:21& 22 says “Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation—“
    Before salvation your mind is still warring against God because He is holy and you are not. When you receive Christ you also receive the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16) and the Holy Spirit. No longer do we need to be warring against God because we have made peace with Him.
  2. Peace with the Fatherhood of God. God is our Father. He loves us as His children with unconditional love. However, for those who had negative memories of their earthly father, like abandonment, abuse, or lack of affirmation it may be harder to understand and receive the love that God has available to us. This also goes back to having a secure attachment to our earthly Father which would help us build a secure attachment to our heavenly Father. My father passed away when I was just seven years old and I struggled with the sense of desertion. Perhaps some of you have had the same experience. God lovingly brought someone into my life in my late teens who has been a father to me ever since. This relationship has helped me to grasp the great love that God has for me. If you don’t have a father in your life or have a poor relationship with the father you have, pray that God would heal your wounds and bring someone into your life who can model the Father’s love for you
  1. Peace about God’s Sovereignty over life’s events. We all have something bad that has happened to us in our lifetime. If it hasn’t happened to you personally it might be something that has happened in the world. For some people in America it was the attacks on 9/11 when the planes crashed into the twin towers that they questioned how a good God could allow such destruction of human life.  I’m sure that people who experienced the Holocaust and other fearful times of history also had questions about the goodness of God. In my book Beyond Head Knowledge I share my personal story of questions about faith especially in relation to my father’s early death. “I wanted to question why God would let a good man die. Why would He leave two young children and a widow without a man of the house? Yet, ashamed of my questions, I buried the doubts and pushed forward toward a future of Christian servanthood.” (p100-101)

For years, I buried these questions and a distrust of God Himself began to eat away at my heart. This distrust is a destroyer of inner peace. I did bury it but by doing so gave it the opportunity to eat away at me.


Have you made peace with God?


Life Coach Moment

  • Are you saved? If not are you seeking the way to know God?
  • Describe your earthly Father and think of some memories you have of Him. In what ways did he help you understand God’s love for you or give you a negative view of a father figure?
  • Are you angry at God? What specific situations in your life do you blame Him for? Tell Him you are angry. Ask Him until you are filled with a peace about the situation. You may never know the logical reason for what happened but He is able to give you that peace of God poured into your heart.


Renew Your Mind

Dwell on Psalm 25:11  The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace


God desires to pour out His strength and peace on you. Think of one situation or feeling that you are struggling with. How would your approach to this change if you were confident in having God’s strength and peace?



Thank You Lord, that I can have peace with You. I believe that You are a good Father who loves me. Though I may not understand the bad things that have happened in my life, but I do desire Your peace about them. I receive Your strength and peace that You have made available for me. In Jesus Name Amen.

3 Ways to Make Peace With God as we renew our minds
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