Part two of these posts on Spiritual War, touched on prayer warriors and where they are. How they must prepare for battle. We now circle back to the main point of Part one. War on the family. Our verse remains the same as last time. Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood….I want to focus on that line.

Family is not an easy situation for most people. In fact, there are people I know that dread holidays because they have to see family they avoid all year except for these two occasions. Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I recently stepped onto the battlefield for my  family. Something I have avoided, ignored and run from most of my life. I had no idea how to help them and knew it was not God’s will for me to burden myself with their choice to backslide. I knew God did not want me to carry that because it was not my fault. However, God called me to fight last week. I didn’t expect it, I didn’t even know where or how to start, but I said, Ok, Lord, lead me.

I brought my dad and two brothers together to pray yesterday afternoon. My mom was not present, but I knew as long as I prayed for all of them God would be faithful in answering my prayers. I thought I could just pray and walk away, but deep down I knew I had to do more.

Which is why Ephesians 6:12 came back to me so strongly. It dawned on me today, that I could not, bully, force or yell at my family on the days they are going to fall short. God reminded me fighting is to take place on the battlefield. Encouragement, love and compassion are going to take place in the lives of my family when they fall short. It is the same when I fall short, God loves me back to full focus on Him and His will.

Most families are already torn apart and so we must encourage, love and show compassion when they are trying to come back to God. The worst thing we can do is point it out in such a way they feel accused. We are not fighting against each other, but for each other. When your family falls short, get on your knees and pray with them. Say, I know you’re struggling with this, but let’s stop and pray for God’s guidance, strength and love. The next step is to be there. To show our support, our love and our determination to see them succeed. A prayer warrior’s battle does not start and end on the battlefield. It is a way of life and it requires action. The kind of action that brings Godly results. That’s why prayer warriors don’t fight alone. Prayer warriors make sure they have a team of solid believers that back them up when they go to war. My prayer team allows me to go forward in God’s power, strength and love to the battle. It is the way of the Lord, to make sure we always have backup and are always surrounded by those that can keep us on target.

A prayer warrior doesn’t just pray.

War: Part III
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