Psalm 115:3 But our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased.

This is one of the most difficult lessons I have learned in my 18 years as a believer. God is loving, just, merciful, mighty and all knowing. It took me this long to realize that what pleases God is seeing His children grow in the fruit of the Spirit. Obeying and trusting Him even when we believe we are experiencing the most unfair and tempestuous times of our lives. In truth, (for me at least) those times have been me disobeying God. Not accepting His perfect will because I want to be on a different path. I like to think I know better than God at times and I am always wrong.

The Bible tells us in Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Which is why King David says in Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.  How many times have we heard the saying, the heart wants what the heart wants. Which is why these very verses  prove to be so true. God puts desires in our hearts so He can fulfill them, but that is why we must pray for a clean heart and a renewed spirit. It is so easy to allow sin into our hearts and be confused by Godly desires and our own selfish desires.

Sometimes I get so angry with God because He doesn’t answer my prayer the way I want or allow something I’ve asked for to take place. In the past I have whined, screamed, been cold and silent or just miserable when MY will has not been done. These days I look at Psalm 115:3 (it is on my praise for answered prayer wall) and smile. Because through one of the most humbling and devastating lessons of my life I have learned to praise God when I realize, HE HATH DONE WHATSOEVER HE HATH PLEASED.  I also smile because I understand what pleases Him is to see me growing in His love, strength and power. It pleases Him to see my obedience, my trust and my humility all gifts from Him that I have finally employed in my life. It pleases God to see me living a life of joy, thankfulness and love. I am only able to live that life because of trusting Him and finally understanding His ways are the best for me. That His gifts are far better than the passing earthly desires I have (and only fulfill my sinful longings). I am the most fulfilled when I can be used of God in the lives of others. That is what pleases God. That is what took me 18 years to not just grasp, but fully understand and apply to my life.

He hath done whatsoever he hat pleased…Because in doing so He is giving you the greatest gifts you could ever hope for. God is ALWAYS good.


Psalm 115:3