Life can be peaceful, joyful, happy, loving, content and kind.  When we experience life this way all seems to be as it should be. We do not have a care in the world. All of our worries seem distant and very small. All seems right with the world. I know that during these times I feel completely blessed and I know that God is right their beside me.

However, there is another side of life. One that is  overwhelming, stressful and chaotic. Trying to keep up with bills that don’t seem to end, unexpected expenses,  kids are misbehaving, problems at work, taking care of aging loved ones, trying to be everything to everyone. I could go on and on. When we are in this cycle of our lives every issue or problem seems to be magnified and too big for us. We reach a point where we feel like we can not handle any more but we seem to get up every morning to face it all over again. We also question God–asking “Where are you? ” , “How come I cannot feel you or see you?” and we also find ourselves shouting “I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!!” The anxiety level reaches an all time high.  I have been in this very spot many times and during these times I have had a hard time feeling God  at all.

It is during these times that God is patiently waiting for us. He is reaching his hand down for us to take. We just need to stop fighting him and take hold. Matthew 11:28 says “Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” God wants us to give him our troubles and burdens and let him take care of them for us. When we let go and give these things to God only then will we find rest. God also wants us to rest at his feet–to spend time with him and focus on him. When we do this everything will start to fall into place.

Life can be stressful but our God is bigger than all of our worries and is always here to help. God does not want us to live a stress filled life but he wants us to find rest in him and have a peaceful and content life. All we have to do is ask.

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