What is a witness

What is a witness? You want to serve Christ and know that He desires you to serve others, but how?

We know the Bible truth to go into all the world to preach the Gospel. Does this mean that we are all supposed to give an evangelistic message to every person we meet? Or are we supposed to just live the Gospel and wait for people to ask questions?

How is it that God works?  Recently we wrote about Peter and Cornelius – marveling at God’s orchestration and timing through a vision, an angel and the Holy Spirit. Even in that account of Acts 10 there are several things to take into consideration.

  • Expectancy: Both Peter and Cornelius believed that God was at work. They expected Him to show up and to do something
  • Available: They were available to hear what God had to say. Both were in an attitude of prayer, setting themselves apart to God
  • Prepared: They were prepared to do what God told them to do.

These three things amounted to Opportunity – the opportunity for God to show up and be glorified.  Are you expectant, available and prepared for God to give you opportunities to serve Him? #serveGod Click To Tweet Often we think of witnesses as a duty or a task, but to be a witness what is all we need is  E+A+P=O Expectancy + Available + Prepared = Opportunity

Christian Growth

How can this apply to Christian growth


  •  In what ways do you have an expectancy that is Spirit driven?
  • Why do you witness? Because you are hearing the leading of the Holy Spirit directing you to a person or because of a duty trying to be the faithful Christian?

In Your everyday life do you expect God to show speak to you concerning whom He wants you to minister to?


Think about this: If Peter had not heard the Holy Spirit speak to Him about the clean and the unclean in the vision how ready do you think He would have been to go to the home of a Gentile?

If Cornelius had not believed the angel would he have had the faith to send for Peter?

If neither Peter nor Cornelius were expectant, available and prepared how would the account of Acts 10 be different?

In the same way how do you think God’s divine direction impacts your witnessing?

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What is a witness? And how can I be one for Christ?