encourage one another Lets start with two great Bible verses teaching us to encourage one another

  •  1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
  • Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Purpose in your heart to be an encourager… Encouragement does not mean false praise or flattery

Goal of encouragement is to glorify God, turn people to Him, show others His love, stir up in others spiritual thoughts and attitudes. When people are discouraged their eyes are frequently on themselves. What can we do to lift their eyes to the heavens where their help comes from (psalm 121)?

In order to encourage one another we have to be filled up with the Lord ourselves. We can’t be spiritually empty and expect to be able to fill someone else.
1. Cards. Who doesn’t love mail? I do. You can send cards to thank someone for singing during church, to wish them a happy birthday, to tell them what a great job they are doing teaching your child’s Sunday school class, or just to tell them that you are thinking of them and praying for them right that moment. Check out some of our printable cards or think about purchasing some from Fair Hope Notes to have some on hand continually.

2. Text messages: with modern technology this could take less than a minute. Share a Scripture that is on your heart for the day. I read a lot of christian living books on kindle and it is so easy to copy a few sentences that have touched me and pass them along to friend.

3. Encouragement jars. Check out these beautiful do-it-yourself jars. Fill them with Scripture and give it to someone who is going through a rough time.

4. Homemade cookies or bread or a simple meal. Just this little act of kindness will make someone feel special and loved.

5. Words. Sometimes a meaningful compliment can go a long ways in helping someone to have a better day. But even more than a compliment we can look for ways that person is growing spiritually. In terms of our children perhaps we notice that they are being more patient, it will brighten their countenance for the them to know we noticed. If it is a brother or sister in Christ perhaps we see them serving behind the scenes and we can just say “great job”

If you don’t know how to encourage one another, pray that God would give you wisdom on what to say or do that will touch that person’s heart.

Lord thank you that you have given me the desire to purpose in my heart to be used of you to encourage others. Open my eyes and ears to be sensitive to the leading of Your Spirit to touch others for Your glory as only You can. Amen

5 Ways to Encourage One Another Daily
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