How to seek first the kingdom of God
In order to seek God first we are told…
- God
- Family
- Work
You have probably heard this priority list before. It makes sense. God first. Family second. Work third.
But how do we practically apply it?
If we view work as ministry, and as a means to supply financially for our families, then the God, family, work priority starts to get blurred. The lines in between are not black and white and hardly even gray. Rather all three start to swim together and our motives, priorities, and time management become cloudy in the mix of this complicated life of relationships, responsibilities and family life. We desire to be a servant of God and minister to the needs of clients or coworkers who spill to us a broken heart. Yet we also have responsibilities. What comes first? How does this work?
Do you find yourself trying so hard to minister to all, yet trying to keep afloat amidst the needs that press in upon you?
Do you struggle with how to be responsible with your time yet long to stop to minister to someone else?
I want to seek first the kingdom of God
For me, as a work from home mom when the phone rings and a friend wants to talk because she has been facing a tough situation, I want to pause to pray with them, to counsel. Yet in the background hungry mouths wait to be fed, it’s lunch time, not ideal for phone chat.
I want to seek the first the kingdom of God so I could convince myself that this phone call is of utmost importance because I am serving God as I provide a sounding board for this friend. But I could also convince myself that the children must come first because God says that taking care of my children is a godly undertaking.
Too many choices.
None seem clear when examining the facts. In the midst of that stress rises because we want to do right. It is our desire to do this life the right way to bring glory to the father. But how then shall we choose?
And I am reminder we are sent the Holy Spirit as our counselor and guide who will give us all wisdom. How quickly we forget that He longs to enter in to everyday life to give wisdom now in this moment. He can enter in.
Think about Peter. Jesus told Him to get out of the boat and walk told Him. Peter started. He got out of the boat and began to walk on water but for a moment He took His eyes off the source of life and he began to go down.
If you are like me you may have started your journey by faith; Faith that God was calling you to serve Him through your work. But at some point perhaps our eyes have drifted to our circumstance, the vast amount of responsibilities before us and our inability. We find ourselves sinking- drowning. The water rises up to our chin and panic can nearly encase us and we fear we are going under.
It happens to me more often than I like to admit and I find myself silently screaming from the depths of desperation. “Help God I can’t do this…” And begin to list to Him all the things I can’t do.
And He whispers fix your eyes on me the author and perfect of your faith.
That’s it. That’s the answer! The only answer that truly will solve our dilemmas.
Look to Jesus, abide in the vine and you will bear much fruit!