What is the best way to read the Bible
We are told that reading the Bible is important for Christian Maturity and Christian growth
But how should we read the Bible?
The Bible is a book. From books we learn about people from centuries past, we learn about science, or we can be entertained by a good story. All books can have an impact on our lives and our thinking. Even reading the Bible can help us to be more aware of how to become morally upright and it will give us a solid understanding of the creation of the world and God’s plan for humanity.
But is that it? Are we having a daily quiet time just for that?
Is the Bible simply another book that will fill our minds with knowledge, or is it a book whose message of who God is, will birth within our hearts a hopeful expectancy of what He longs to do in our lives? Is it merely to read about what God has done, confining Him to what He did for people in the past or through reading it do we see a God who works on behalf of those who wait for Him (Isaiah 64:4)?
The Best way to Read the Bible is looking at the character of God
Think of the well known accounts recorded in the book and what it tells you about the character of God.
- God’s servant Daniel was thrown into a den of lions and God shut their mouths. God saved Daniel’s life in a miraculous way. He can do the same for you.
- King David, a man after God’s own heart, was an adulterer and murderer. God forgave him. And so He longs to forgive you.
- God led the Israelites out of Egypt to the promised land with a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night (Exodus 13:21). He longs to lead you into the plans He has for you and has given us the Holy Spirit as a counselor and guide.
- While Jesus was on earth He fed 5000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish because He had compassion on them (Mark 6:30-44). In the same way He has compassion on you and longs to supply all of your needs according to His glorious riches.
If we step back a moment and think about all the Bible tells us from cover to cover about the character of God, who is the same in the past, as He is today, as He will be in the future; if we ponder in our hearts His great love for people and all the things He did for them recorded in the Bible; our hearts will be filled with an expectant hope and confidence, knowing that He longs to pour down His love and power into our lives as well.
By Naomi Fata