This week’s Sunday School lesson was on Psalm 1. As we were reading through it in class I was struck by verse 2 “whose DELIGHT is in the law of the Lord.”

How often do I teach that as Christians we should read the Bible and spend time in God’s Presence? And how often I try to do better in this area myself. Yet this verse doesn’t say to read more or to try harder to memorize or to become more disciplined at sitting in God’s presence.

What I see here is that DElIGHT is the heart attitude of desiring HIM – desiring to read His Word and enjoying it.

The image that came to mind was delight in eating chocolate chip cookies, delight of a child playing on the playground….

God doesn’t want it to be a ritual but a delight.

To Delight in Him
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One thought on “To Delight in Him

  • January 18, 2016 at 10:15 am

    Sometimes a word comes that you recognize as a word from the throne room that is fresh manna, and this such a time. This idea of delighting in the Lord and his law and not just in reading it a lot really hit home. Thanks for sharing it.

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