This morning as I was worshiping the Lord, a song came on called “Never Alone” ( by Matt Redman).
As I listened and sang along with it, the Lord so ministered to my heart. I’ve listened to it many times before, but this time was different. As I sat there with my eyes closed worshiping, I saw in a vision Jesus, He was so tall like over 20 feet tall and there was a person, by His side and they were walking together. As I watched, Jesus started to fade, and in my heart I was saying don’t go. And I heard Him say to my heart, “You may not always see Me, or feel My presence, but I Am always with you.” And then the vision vanished. As I sat there, and thought on what I had seen and heard, I thought on the very Word of God, where it is written, “ I Will Never leave you or forsake you!” Beloved one, God hasn’t left you or forsaken you! He is for you, He so loves you. For many years I ran here and there wanting to be in the presence of the Lord. And there He was all the time waiting for me in our secret place. I don’t have to wonder if Jesus is with me, I know He is,( I don’t say that in any way prideful), how do I know? He walks with me, and He talks with me and He will do the same for you, if you just take time to get to know Him. Read the Bible, worship Him, wait in His presence and if you haven’t heard Him before, you will. Jesus so longs to be involved in our lives, He wants to answer our prayers, but too many times we get so busy in life, we don’t take the time to ask. For so many years I lived a busy life and I too took God’s Word like fast food, I just wanted to read it because I knew I needed to. But my life was a mess. Where were the promises that I had? Why weren’t they being fulfilled? I was waiting on the “works of God”, rather than on the God of the works. But, all Glory to God, He is so long-suffering toward us(me). One day He spoke to me and told me to stop doing, all I was doing and come and sit at His feet. Oh, I am so very grateful that I, in His Great Grace answered that call. It sure wasn’t easy, I had always been a really busy person, but as the Holy Spirit continued to help me, I learned (and still am) to sit, to stay, to enjoy my Lord and the time I spend with Him. And you know what? It gets sweeter and sweeter everyday. I love the Lord, I know His love and wouldn’t trade places with anyone. He has and continues to be so good to me. So today Beloved one, if you are struggling, could I maybe help you a little bit? Take a little time for Jesus, tell Him all about your troubles, get to know this awesome God, and Lord and Savior, who loves you so much, that He wants to tali to you personally. I can promise you, you will never be the same! And you too will find Jesus walking beside you all the days of your life, and yes even into heaven with you on that day. Can I also say to you get into a good church ( if you are not already) where the Father, Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are welcomed, honored, and taught on. We need each other, so that together we can continue to grow, and learn more about our loving Lord. Amen.