dove1-300x225It is there in front of us, on facebook, on TV, in the newspaper –terror in France, shootings in California – death; dying; horror. Our hearts groan. We want to be free from the pain of evil.

As the holidays begin, the Christmas chorus chimes “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men.”  Where is peace?

Sometimes it becomes the expectation of our hearts and focus of our hope that we will be able to see the reality of peace here and now – on this earth. This expectation will always be disappointed. There is no promise for peace now. Instead we are told that there will be wars and rumors of war. (Matthew 24:6)

How then can we celebrate this season commemorating the Prince of Peace when there seems to be no peace?

But He was not born to bring peace to the world around us. He came to bring peace to the war within us.  When we receive Him He brings the peace that is beyond our understanding (Philippians 4:7). He stills the anxiety, the brokenness, the guilt, the shame and floods with peace that we can hardly comprehend.

When we expect Him to bring peace to the world around us we will always be disappointed, but when we expect Him to bring peace within us we will never be disappointed!

In this season, as we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace will you let Him in to bring peace to your heart?

Peace on Earth
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