A Resolution of Rest
A new year is here.
A fresh start
A clean slate of 365 days – 8750 hours – 525,600 minutes – with no history yet recorded on them.
Looking at the future year we can decide whether it is time for a change. What is it that we want to do differently with our lives? From this question may come our New Year’s resolution.
We may ask questions of ourselves like: Am I too busy? Am I taking care of myself? Are my finances in the state I want them to be in? Are my relationships what I desire them to be?
If we aren’t taking care of ourselves we may resolve to eat better and exercise more frequently. If we want to see improvement in our finances we could vow to stop impulse spending. If we are looking for more from our relationships, whether our children, spouse or friend, we can say we want to spend a significant amount of meaningful time with them each week.
All of these are related to doing something. They are good resolves to change our lives and circumstances in the coming year. But how many fail to carry their plan through? In order to equip ourselves for success in our resolutions we have to also come up with a concrete, realistic plan of how these new changes are going to fit into our lives. To live healthier we have to predetermine that we will pass up the Twinkies in grocery isle, or go walking on our lunch break. To make our relationships change we have to set time apart for that person, and decide that time will not be interrupted by anything else.
Because we are like to do and achieve, how frequently do any of us address the question ‘am I too busy?’ Does slowing down ever make it to the top of our New Year’s resolution list? To take rest not for personal leisure of tv, sports, or entertainment but slowing down to cultivate our soul. How does one realistic cultivate rest in a full life style? The clutter of life can make us weary yet the invitation is open “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28)
During this new year will we make it a goal to pursue this rest that is offered to us? Can we carve out just a few minutes every day this year to come to Him, to find His rest?
By Naomi Fata
Published in the Hudson River Sampler January 2015