Did Mary’s heart fill with wonder that she had been chosen to carry the King? When the angel came to Joseph telling him he would be the earthly father to the heavenly child did he gasp in wonder? When the shepherds in the field saw the sky flood with light as the angels sang proclaiming the birth did their hearts beat within, in awe that they were a part of this holy night? And the wise men, guided with light from above – did they wonder that God sent them to travel so far to bestow gifts on this child of lowly birth?
The account of all these prepared the way – pointing others to the Savior of the world.
What points people to Him now? We have the written words of the birth 2000 years ago? But is that what people read? Or are they looking for the message in our lives, needing evidence that the story still has the power to change lives, bring hope, and fill with joy?
Does the way we live the Christmas season reflect a heart of wonder pointing others to Him? Reflecting a holy reverence for the Father and the Son, for the miracle of His divine birth, for the plan He carried out on earth so that we might be saved? Or do we mirror restlessness over holiday pressure which gives no shadow of the true meaning for this season?
Take time to stop in wonder. Ponder the miracle of the birth. Stand in awe that a perfect child was sent to earth for you.
©2014 Naomi Fata