Every moment holds something in its hand. Whether it be a learning, an experience, or just a moment to be still and breathe.
It is easy to get caught up in the moment, to let fear, anger, and resentment take over. But we all have the ability to control how we choose to respond. We can choose to let go, to not give in to the hurt, pain and unhappiness.
Perspective is everything. When you look in the mirror of your life what do you see? When I start my day I pause, and ask for strength and perspective.
Dear Lord God,
Be my eyes to see what you want me to see,
Be my ears to hear your whisper of guidance and direction,
Be my mouth to speak words of forgiveness and love,
Use me, guide me, help me.
It’s you who I choose to see in the moment.
It’s your grace that guides me.
It’s your love that helps me see.
I lift it up to You.
I choose to let go.
You are my direction,
You are in control.
It’s through you that I become whole again.
When I look in the mirror, I see a woman who has come through this life stronger than before. I see the times where I was carried, I see the times where the brokenness was set free. By His grace, I picked myself back up. He held out His hand, and asked me “Step out in Faith my child, and trust ME”. Thankful for Him waiting patiently, guiding, and giving me more than I could ever expect in this life.
In the mirror I see a life that is full, a life that has abundance, and a ton of love.
What do you see when you look in the mirror?
come pop by my personal blog when you have a minute www.nesschesters.wordpress.com
Stepping Out in Faith ~ Embracing the Moment