What a great message from my friend Rosemary!




Good morning, Father! This morning as I was spending time with you, I opened my Bible to Daniel 3:1-30, where the three Hebrew children refused to bow and worship the idol that Nebuchadnezzar had set up. As I was reading this scripture you quickened to me that the fire proceeded the promotion! So many times people give up or long to give up, in the midst of the fire. But can I say to you Beloved one, don’t give up! God is just burning off that which has bound you and held you back! The fire of God is a purifying fire, it didn’t consume the three Hebrew children and it won’t consume you. God is loosening you and you will come out not smelling of smoke, your clothes will not be scorched or change in color or condition, your hair will not be singed, nor even the smell of smoke on you! Why? Because there is a fourth man in the fire with you! Our God through Jesus is the only one who can deliver this way! Then promotion comes.(verse 30 of chapter3). Don’t be in a hurry to get out of the fire, the three Hebrew children had to be called out by the king, because they were so enjoying the fourth man in the fire! Can I say to you, Beloved one, that God is not only loosening your bonds, but He is getting ready to show His great power and love to a lost world through you! So relax enjoy the fire with Jesus, knowing that our God is getting ready to do something so awesome, it’s going to astound people and they too will say,”There is no other God who can deliver in this way!” AMEN! Can I say to you, Don’t focus so much on the fire, but on Jesus who is in the fire with you and allow God to have His perfect work in you. Then when you are called out, you too will be glorifying the Lord Jesus as you realize all that HE IN HIS GREAT GRACE AND MERCY HAS BURNT OFF YOU! And All the Glory and Honor will go where it truly belongs, to God our Father through the Lord Jesus Christ! AMEN!

The Fiery Furnace: Love Letters to and from God
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What a great message from my friend Rosemary!




Good morning, Father! This morning as I was spending time with you, I opened my Bible to Daniel 3:1-30, where the three Hebrew children refused to bow and worship the idol that Nebuchadnezzar had set up. As I was reading this scripture you quickened to me that the fire proceeded the promotion! So many times people give up or long to give up, in the midst of the fire. But can I say to you Beloved one, don’t give up! God is just burning off that which has bound you and held you back! The fire of God is a purifying fire, it didn’t consume the three Hebrew children and it won’t consume you. God is loosening you and you will come out not smelling of smoke, your clothes will not be scorched or change in color or condition, your hair will not be singed, nor even the smell of smoke on you! Why? Because there is a fourth man in the fire with you! Our God through Jesus is the only one who can deliver this way! Then promotion comes.(verse 30 of chapter3). Don’t be in a hurry to get out of the fire, the three Hebrew children had to be called out by the king, because they were so enjoying the fourth man in the fire! Can I say to you, Beloved one, that God is not only loosening your bonds, but He is getting ready to show His great power and love to a lost world through you! So relax enjoy the fire with Jesus, knowing that our God is getting ready to do something so awesome, it’s going to astound people and they too will say,”There is no other God who can deliver in this way!” AMEN! Can I say to you, Don’t focus so much on the fire, but on Jesus who is in the fire with you and allow God to have His perfect work in you. Then when you are called out, you too will be glorifying the Lord Jesus as you realize all that HE IN HIS GREAT GRACE AND MERCY HAS BURNT OFF YOU! And All the Glory and Honor will go where it truly belongs, to God our Father through the Lord Jesus Christ! AMEN!

The Fiery Furnace: Love Letters to and from God
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