The following is my latest article published in the Hudson River Sampler

If we are honest with ourselves, we have all struggled with fear of some sort. There are many things people are afraid of.

  • Losing loved ones

  • Poor health

  • Insufficient finances

  • Death

  • Political unrest

  • Rejection from others

  • Accidents

What do we do with these fears? Do we allow them to consume our thought life or do we bring them to God and fight to overcome?

It is important to recognize how fear affects our lives in order to begin to deal with it – it has to be recognized as a problem that we don’t want to live with the rest of our lives.

Fear turns into mental anxiety and stress which breaks down our immune system. Also it affects our decision making. For example fear of economic unrest may prevent us from investing wisely; fear of rejection may cause us to live lonely lives; fear of terrorists may prevent us from traveling to see loved ones.

Our prayer life and relationship with God can also be impacted by our fears. When we live in fear often we spend more time asking God not to let what we fear happen, than we do actually finding His promises which tell us not to be afraid. Continually throughout Scripture is the exhortation ‘Do not be afraid’, therefore it is very important to Him that we do not live out our lives in fear. Fear is the opposite of trust. We cannot live in fear and trust God.

Instead of fear we can choose to pray and trust His promises.

His Promises

Will you choose to believe what He says rather than listen to the voice of fear?

Do Not Live in Fear
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