Write the Vision
by Rosemary Keener
This morning as I was spending time with the Lord, I started to read from my devotional. God had given Abraham a word (Genesis 15:1-6). He had told Abraham that he would have a son. Then he told him to go out and count the stars if he could, that’s how many descendants he would have. As I was spending time reading the Bible, I remembered many of the promises and visions that the Lord had given me and started to speak them out, thanking Him and praising Him. As I did the Lord reminded me of Habakkuk 2:2-3, where He tells us to write the vision down. Beloved, I really sense that this word is not only for me. Many of us have received words and visions from the Lord. Can I say to you write them down?! (if you haven’t already) If you have written them down, but haven’t looked at them lately or spoke them out, could I encourage you to do so? I know that we are in a season of great answers to prayer. Do what God’s word says. “Don’t give up on them!” Start speaking them out, remind God of His promises, and visions that He has given you! In Romans 4, we are called sons of Abraham (those who are of faith). GOOD NEWS! God has given us all a measure of faith, and faith in a faithful God increases as we hear the Word of God. When we continue to speak out the Word God has given, and the visions, our faith rises up and we shall surely see those things come to pass. In Romans 4, Abraham’s faith didn’t weaken concerning the promise of God, BUT (I love that) he grew strong, empowered by faith as He gave praise and glory to God, fully satisfied, assured that God was able and mighty to keep His Word, and do what He had promised! I believe every time the enemy tried to convince Abraham contrary to the Word God had given, he simply went and looked at the stars. I wonder what we look at, or think of when the enemy comes to try to rob us of our faith? Beloved, get out those visions, and words that The Lord has spoken to you, for you and for your family and for your life and do what Habakkuk 2:2-3 says ‘write the vision down, for the vision is for the appointed time and it hastens to the end (fulfillment); IT WILL NOT TARRY WAIT FOR IT, BECAUSE IT WILL SURELY COME; IT WILL NOT BE BEHIND AND ON ITS APPOINTED DAY!’ Beloved one, God never gives promises or visions lightly! God is a God of His Word, IF HE SAID IT IT WILL SURELY COME TO PASS! We need to do what He says, wait, and in the waiting He gives us words, from His Holy Word to speak forth, by faith, to simply believe, as did our forefather Abraham. If you’ve never had a vision or a Word from God, get into His presence, spend time with Him in His Word the Bible, wait on Him and He will talk to you. Then write it down, speak it forth, allow your faith to grow in a very faithful God. AMEN!