Over the past year I have seen a man fight for his life who has only had two years to see his child smile, I have seen a little boy the same age as mine fight for his life, and one lose his life. These moments are tough for all of us, losing someone in our lives can be difficult and seems so unfair. These moments rock me to the core. I just want to take all of the pain away, but that is not my job. Lean not on your own understanding. That is the voice that keeps coming to mind. My understanding does not see the full picture or plan, and sometimes miracles happen and other times this is all part a plan that we will only understand when we leave this world.
I had moments where I did not understand the plan until much later and perhaps more is to come.
When I fractured my neck, laying in a bed with my dad, brother and husband around me with a priest praying that I will be able to walk and to see my children again. Three years later I am walking, and have a new normal and have a perspective that I am so thankful for.
Or the moment when I laid my head on my grandfather’s chest and heard his last heartbeat. Letting go was difficult, but when one life passed another was given (the next day I found out I was pregnant with our second son).
Seeing my mother in pain, and wondering what was next. Prayer, thanksgiving and petition make the difference.
But I will tell you something, these moments although frightening, and fear of the unknown rose up in my soul, I chose to lift up my worries and pray. God is in control and I am so thankful for God showing me a different perspective in the pain. All things in this life are for good. Sometimes it is hard to believe or difficult to see when your eyes are blurred by what is right in front of you.
The lovely web of life teaches us as we experience the moments that take our breath away. We adjust and change the lens we look through, and we begin to ponder more about life and the moments.
Life is short, and our time is numbered. The bible clearly lays this out, and it also helps direct us on where we choose to focus our time and energy.
Many times I hear people say “when I am retired I plan to travel”, or “when things are less busy we will get together”, or “things will get easier once we are past this stage in our lives”.
Looking ahead and saying” I will when….” “When” may never come. We are here today and gone tomorrow.
We need to focus on the now, make the most of our time here. This means, living for today, surrounding yourself with love, removing the negativity, and making a choice for the good. And yes there are days when the waves seem to be crashing over us; during these times you can choose focus on what is important. Love and spreading it everywhere.
You have a choice. Where do you choose to focus your time? Heaven can be on earth… Let go of the fear and live for today.
Be blessed my friend,