Out of the mouth of the driest land; came forth this fertile tree Nothing magnetic about it’s hand; rejected and shamed for thee Fraught and close with suffering; clinched in the grasp of pain Living a life collecting sorrow; removing it from my name Cursed he is to take the yoke of all this on his deck How red the mark that bleeds beneath the contour of his neck The pressing of the beating and the puncture of the dart Were displayed for all to see, the living water in his heart It is we that have gone astray; feeding on our own accord Taking no account of the iniquity, that he so graciously bore Though his lips trembled softly; they never opened once His defense came in the hearts of men; in his silence their souls he touched. The clouds wailed for justice; the skies burned with fire But there was unanimous silence, in place of legal tire As odd as it may seem, this was done in perfect will With the hands of Jehovah carving; the anguish to his fill This darkness lauded within, but could not overcome the light This glowing face confined to a weary place has ended the tyranny of night What grand throne will seat this King; what jewels will crest his head The song of suffering no longer will sing; its somber tunes of dread Victory will be the cadence of his new army marching again “Praise to the one who filled my gap and released this soul from sin” by Nicholas Hayes ©Isaiah 53: 5-6 (NIV)
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Contact Nicholas at his blog The Fire Within My Bones
Email: nickhayes13@hotmail.com
Isaiah 53 Poem by Nicholas Hayes
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Isaiah 53 Poem by Nicholas Hayes