My latest article for the Hudson River Sampler:



How many of us complain of constant weariness – tired of the ceaseless motion of life – drained from endless activities?

But why?

Is it that we have too much to do? That we work too much and sleep too little?

For the health of our physical bodies we exercise, eat healthier foods and try to get more rest. But is our weariness all physical or are we mentally tired?

Is this a healthy mind?

Our minds are in constant action especially with the advance in technology. We are always rushing to check a message, return a phone call, respond to a facebook comment, or send an email. Now all this is accessible through the little devices called ‘smart’ phones which we carry with us at all times – there seems to be no escaping the demands of the world around us. Have you ever stopped for a moment to see what the constant flow of information does to your thought process? We care constantly receiving information, and having our thoughts interrupted through the constant barrage of technology.

If you aren’t one to be caught up with the newest methods of communication, maybe it is the age old mental stress of worry that makes you weary: The constant anxious thoughts that eat away your thoughts day and night. As if you need a break from yourself.

Is there rest for the weary mind?

The Biblical principle exhorts us to renew our minds (Romans 12:2), to take our thoughts captive (2 Corinthians 10:5) and to think on those things that are good (Philippians 4:8).

Just like working out takes effort to keep our physical bodies healthy, the process to caring for our minds takes diligence as well.

But are we willing to do the work? If we knew the effect our weary minds have on our relationships both with others and with God would it stir us to action to begin to take control of our thoughts?

Rest for our Minds
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